The Future of California Elections (FoCE) Network is a nonpartisan network of election officials, reform advocates, civil rights organizations, and civic engagement groups collaborating to advance effective and inclusive election policies and practices.
Our Commitment to Inclusion
The Future of California Elections Network participants work to advance election policies and practices that ensure access to our democracy for all voters regardless of demographics, including race/ethnicity, disability, language, age, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, political preference, or religion. Furthermore, the Network holds itself accountable to ensuring full diversity, equity, and inclusion in its own structure and activities.
The Future of California Elections Network builds on the work of Future of California Elections, the nonprofit. FoCE the nonprofit worked from 2011 to 2020 to build collaboration between election officials and nonprofits with dual goals of modernizing elections and expanding participation.
FoCE held a space for thoughtful election policy discussions among a diversity of voices; was known for inclusive annual conferences and educational events; and was a trusted source for best practices and plain language voter education materials.
This Election Library, developed as the nonprofit closed at the end of 2020, holds the body of work developed by FoCE and its partners under its cross-sector collaboration model. It includes videos, reports, toolkits, sample documents and more. The archive is organized by the categories of FoCE’s work but the Search Bar allows for easy navigation to all resources.
We hope it serves election officials, nonprofits and other partners working in collaboration to strengthen our democracy.